Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, "peace be with you." John 20:19..People of Peace.....  



      One question that faces the sincere person today is: "How can I, as one individual in my little corner, help bring peace to the world?" St. Therese of Lisieux, in her day, was able to resolve this issue for herself, probably something we all should do. In the face of political issues, Therese prayed, and fiercely believed, that what she prayed for would happen. And, it did happen, not only for her day but also for the many years to come. I once lived with a Carmelite Sister who did the same. This Sister had a high voice. On the pitch of "A," she often prayed for " the return" of a well-known figure. It, too, happened. There was a deathbed conversion. This Sister took for granted that God would bring her prayer about, and was not even surprised when she learned that her prayer was answered.

      Probably the first thing to do is to discern exactly how to pray. For quite some time, I have been praying that God would raise up a prophetic voice, whose voice would be listened to and who would have influence. Little did I think that this voice would be the voice of the people demonstrating for peace. Sometimes, I wonder if the sadness that people feel over the lack of peace is the same sadness that God experiences, and that this sadness comes form the Heart of God. I believe, too, that the best prayer for peace comes from a peaceful heart.

     Carrmelite St. Edith Stein, (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross), had a unique and rather mystical way of viewing the world. She believed that if a Christian is united with Christ, then, wherever God is, that person also is. There is a seven-syllable mantra, a type of prayer, which fits such a belief: "Wherever you are, I am." As mentioned before, this could be God speaking to the soul, or the soul praying it before God.


      If I believe that I can be where God is, then, this means that I can be with the suffering and innocent people of Iraq, who wait in fear of war. I can be with our American troops, who have been called up, some of whom do not agree with going to war and others who do not even fully understand all that is involved. I can be with those women and men I personally know, whom we pray for by name every day. I can be with the leaders of America and the world who are in the position of making very serious decisions. In being with them, I can pray that they will listen to the Spirit of God and the voice of the people. Furthermore if what Edith Stein said is true, then the Communion of Saints is also with us to help us.

     "Wherever you are, I am." I plan to pray this mantra often during the day. The thought of it brings peace to my own soul. Some day, the world will have a common heart!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be aftaid. John 14:27............................................Sr. Mary Jo Loebig, O.C.D.
