Carmel In The News

The Quad-City Times, Iowa April 15, 2002

Light moments from the spring bulletin of the Carmelite Sisters in Eldridge: "Here at the monastery, we are fond of recycling jokes and trivia as well as all kinds of paper. One of our favorite findings was coming upon a sheet of paper with the history of mayonnaise on one side and a complete explanation of spiritual desolation on the other. Given a choice, we prefer mayonnaise, of course."

"The cover of our current 'Journey and the Joy' features a sunrise with a quote about the radiance of Easter. It was quite a feat getting a photo of the sunrise over our monastery It involved putting on winter clothes and trekking with the neighbors dog on many pre-dawn mornings. We found that hiding in the bushes worked better It kept the motorists from asking if we wanted a ride."

From: Bill Wundrums column

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