Lent 2010


Lenten Resolutions and God’s Longing For Us

     There is something fascinating about pondering what we might give up for Lent.  Could it be that, in this gesture, there is a longing to experience the nearness of God, and that somehow giving up what we really like helps bring this about?

      Along this line, one of the favorite songs here at the Monastery is the one entitled: “We Belong to You”, the text of which is that of Victoria Thomson.  It would appear that just as we long for God, God longs for us. It could be that attached to this longing for God is a deep need we do not know we have. Furthermore, this need may be very different from what we think it might be. Perhaps, Lent is a good time to ponder the true longing in our hearts, together with our deepest need.  

     Once God tells us what this need is, we might want to find a psalm or prayer that speaks to this issue. Another approach is to compose our own prayer, and then pray it every day.  Truly, God longs to restore, to reveal, to comfort and to be near.

Sister Mary Jo Loebig, O.C.D

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