Pentecost 2008

God-given promptings

A New Heart and a New Spirit

      When Sunday is mentioned, most people think of this as the day one goes to church.   On other days, we say our prayers, if we have time, and if we are not too tired.  Interestingly enough, Meister Eckhart tells us that whatever we are in church we should be the rest of our days. 

     As Pentecost comes upon us, we are reminded that all of us have an inner sanctuary, to which we can go anytime.  It is a quiet and holy place, a Divine Center, where a candle is always burning.  It is a sort of home, where there is peace and quiet in the midst of our ever-demanding life.  Some of us even have a special spot in our homes where it is easier to enter this inner sanctuary, a special chair or a window.

     The inner chapel is also the home of the Spirit, who speaks to us.  In this sacred spot, whether we feel holy or not, we become aware of the fact that our hearts are always seeking God.  This same Spirit, who could also be called “the sheltering nearness of God”, will never leave us and is closest to us when we are in need.  Furthermore the Spirit comes to help us accept ourselves and to be with us as we attempt to face life bravely with all its beauty and agony, and to say yes to whatever may come.  This Spirit of God sees our own goodness and builds upon it.

     As mentioned in the Liturgy of Pentecost, the Spirit is given to us as a Comforter, a Gentle Rest whenever we are tired, a Solace in our tears and as a God who wants to heal us.  In the Book of Ezekiel (36:26-27), we hear God saying with great tenderness: “I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you.  Furthermore, I will put my spirit within you.”  It would appear that all God wants from us is to say yes to this tenderness. 

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