Carmel on the Mississippi

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CARMEL on the MISSISSIPPI was written by Sr. Thérèse McDonald, O.C.D. and published by John A. Wirig Printing Co., Davenport, Iowa July 16, 1926. The imprimatur was given by James Davis, Bishop of Davenport.

This section includes a scanned copy of the orginal source material. This book, of which we have only one copy, is considered a "treasure" for our community. It was lost for a time, and then found and given to Eldridge Carmel.

In order to make the source material available for scholars and keep download time to a reasonable limit, we have settled for a slightly less readable page than is available on the original.

Just to put things in some kind of time context, we can pause and note that in 1926 Calvin Coolige was president. The auto was first able to function year round because antifreeze was available. The Church had made St. Thérèse of Lisieux a saint in May 30th of 1925. It would not be until the following year on January 13th that the feast of St. Thérèse was extended to the whole Church.

Hence, the material that is presented is almost four generations old. We cannot help but observe the difference in pre-Vatican II theology in the way the author treats of various subjects. Yet, in spite of being tempted to write or to edit differently today, we can still be drawn to the spirit of Carmel and to appreciate the gifts that we have in our early founders. Especially, we rejoice in the fact that one of our own sisters wrote the early history of our community. In 1934, Sr. Thérèse McDonald the same author translated The Gift of Oneself. This latter book about the the spiritual life was once available in most novitiates. Even now it is used by some who are serious about growing in their relationship with God.

We return to our community history. In 1975 the community moved from Bettendorf Iowa to Eldridge Iowa. This was done with the same kind of mixed feelings that are described in the chapter on the move from Davenport to Bettendorf. We are still close to the Mississippi (within 10 miles), and the river still enters into our consciousness. With the same love of God, we bless the past and look with confidence toward the future, trusting that all time and all history is both from God and for God.

We pray that as you read a page, or sections of this material, you will also be inspired by what Sr. Thérèse McDonald wrote in 1926.


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