Sr. Maria Scheer, O.C.D.
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Our Sr. Maria Scheer, OCD (01/03/1935 - 4/26/2017) died at the Kahl Home after a long struggle with lung cancer. She was admitted in Jan of 2016 and was under the care of Hospice. Some of us were able to be at her bedside and sing the Salve at her passing.
Fr. Ed O’melia a longtime friend of both our community and the Kahl Home Sisters offered the Funeral Mass at The Kahl Home Chapel; burial was in Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Davenport.
Sister Maria was born in China, and lived there until she was twelve, at which time she came to America. She was born of German parents, who were missionaries in China at the time.
Sr. Maria came to Eldridge from Berkeley/Kensington, California Carmel. She was a member of that Carmel for thirty-eight years. Following that, she was at the San Rafael Carmel for one and a half years.
At the Kahl Home it was noted that in addition to English, she was able to speak both Chinese and German. The Sisters and caregivers there were especially kind and compassionate but she was ready and anxious to depart for her heavenly home. May she now be interceding for our community and for all that accompanied her along the way to her new life.
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