Forever New

Lynne Elwinger, O.C.D.

Spring! Our hearts lift with joy. Hope and new light reappear on the landscapes of our world and of our lives. This is the season of infinite possibility – anything can happen. How fitting that Easter comes at this time to remind us that, through Christ’s resurrection, we have been caught up forever in the eternal Spring of God.

We Easter people are always in some way about newness – new beginnings, new life, continuous transformation. Jesus has shown us that deep within each of us there is a place of eternal springtime in our soul. He preached the good news that we are so loved by God that this place of new beginnings has been implanted in each heart and soul as the original grace that is part of our creation in God’s image and likeness. Through Christ’s resurrection we are free to be forever new. Unique as we are, we will each be led to the best routes for our personal journey. Along the way we are gifted by other traveling companions and we will discover much about ourselves as well.

Participation With God

In Scripture, God tells us through the prophet Isaiah: See, I am doing something new. Now it springs forth! Do you not perceive it?... (Is 43) Participation with God in this mysterious unfolding of divine life within us is perhaps one of the major purposes of our life on earth. It may well be that our coming to wholeness is the very abundance of life that Jesus came to bring to all of us. The all-pervading presence of the Holy Spirit labors within us to make us free for change and growth each day, if we allow it. Because we have free will, our assent and cooperation are a vital part of this process.

If this work is so important to our well-being and spiritual growth, how best can we do our part? What is needed for the task? First of all, taking some time (however brief) in each day to be present to the inner aspects of our lives is important. In the morning, my prayer is for openness to every graced moment that comes my way throughout the new day. I pray to keep from getting in the way of what God is trying to do within me. And I pray that I might be a little bit different at the end of the day than at the start. In the evening, I reflect over the day’s experiences, pausing to notice the messages it has brought. Spring housecleaning (really a year-round task) also helps. It is good to look at what is being held on to that should be let go of, what needs changing or rearranging, where we need to be less controlling and more allowing, and where we need to be more fully open to growth and change. As people of the Resurrection, we are called to live everyday life in a new way.

Seasons Of Our Hearts

It may be that God has given us the seasons of nature as a help in seeing the seasons of our own hearts and souls. New growth often requires long periods of development before appearing. We learn to be patient with ourselves and others. We will have our own winters of heart and soul, but the inner process continues even then, even when it isn’t visible to us. Whatever our day holds, whether good or bad by our standards, can be fuel for the coming forth of new life within us. We grow, not in spite of our circumstances, but because of them. Love composts our days into rich soil for divine seeds. Sometimes a leap of faith is required. When we consciously focus on what the Spirit is doing within us, we may catch glimpses of grace that are life-changing.
Destined for glory, our souls are grounded in God. As we become more present to the life within us, we will find our outer lives changing as well. As we discover the risen Christ in our hearts and in our daily lives, we may see miracles hidden within ourselves. We will often find that resurrection comes through our unchosen experiences. The good news of Easter is that we are forever held in God’s heart. We cannot be separated from the love of Christ.

Everything in creation rushes toward God
¬ tall trees, small bushes , quick birds and fish.

Sr. Lynne Thérèse Elwinger of the Resurrection O.C.D.

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