Newsletter - Spring 2016




God looked at everything


that he made,


and he found it very good.


Dear Friends of Carmel ,


Srs. Miriam and JonFe were able to attend the CCA meeting this year. It was a grace both to connect with friends from previous meetings and to meet new ones from our Carmels in the United States and from other countries. On a more somber note, we especially missed our Sisters from Cleveland this year. On the way home however, Sr. Miriam was able spend the night at Oldenburg Carmel and rejoice in sharing their company.  Their new dog not only works to greet visitors but hooks a ride on Sr. Teresa’s  scooter.  After having been rescued from a shelter, it is definitely living the good life, and doesn’t seem to be at all worried about the “dog days of summer”.


     Meanwhile, back in Eldridge, our Sr. Lynne is gradually recovering from hip surgery. We were all concerned for her, but none more so than her cat Sunshine. For the few days she was in the hospital, the cat wouldn’t even meow and when she returned and he heard her voice, he jumped up on her bed and refused to move.  Now gradually, things are getting back to normal, and we have a happy cat.


     Keeping with our usual spring tradition, we had the Blessing of the Fields after morning Mass. The birds joined us in singing this year and after a rain, all looked especially bright and beautiful. We prayed that God would once again grant us an abundant harvest.


  At this time and throughout the year, we also pray for the safety of the local farmers. This prayer seems all the more appropriate to us, considering that we recently received a Mass request for a farmer named Marvin, who was killed in a farm accident. So, at another morning Mass, we joined with his family in celebrating his life and work and praying for the repose of his soul.


Finally, mindful of the many ecological concerns being expressed today, we look to our own land and take care to support and encourage what God has so richly blessed us with. Srs. JonFe and Teresa Susan are planting and caring for the garden outside. Inside, most of us enjoy the birds and beasts that come up to our refectory window to see what has been provided. They are all wild and free. Yet, Miriam favors the chickadees, Lynne the sparrows and mourning doves and JonFe the blue bunting. The community is grateful to JonFe for bringing up the bird seed, which in the night also brings us visiting raccoons and possums.  Thus, life, in this section of the country is both active and peaceful.


 “A Garden enclosed!” Indeed…


Wishing all of our friends the beauty of Spring&Summer 2016.


(first published as CCA Report – Spring 2016)


Love and Prayers,

Your Carmelite Sisters – Eldridge , Iowa

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